Employee Management

Arrowtrack Solutions offers live scheduling, tracking and management software for individual property managers or large scale security operations. Our primary objective is to maintain integrity and accountability for the benefit of our clients and stakeholders. Providing a comprehensive mobile application for tours and reporting.

Dispatch and Advanced Planning

Logs and Photos in Real Time

Scheduling and Post Orders

Clear Reporting and DAR

Ensuring Safety, Efficiently

Prevent Small Issues From Costing Contracts

Integrate your total operation to save time, improve client relations, better track performance and improve ROI. Our guard management software automates tasks like DARs, tour notification, and geo-fencing, creating a virtual boundary around any property. Providing supervisor alerts to notify management in real time.

Clear Reporting & DAR's

An understandable incident report effectively tracks guard performance to improve client ROI. With the correct systems in place, incident reports become second-nature allowing guards to effectively report information as quickly as possible. Reports can be filtered by duty location, type, guard, priority, and more. Reports are generated automatically and ready to be delivered to clients in an easy to read format.

Current and New

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Eduard MOnroe

Security Manager

Suspendisse imperdiet sapien arcu, id feugiat elit gravida vitae. Duis ac tempus mi. Nam urna sapien, porta vitae aliquet vitae, vehicula sed odio. Aenean porta mi sit amet nulla porttitor pharetra. Vivamus a vulputate quam, eget scelerisque leo.

Emma Whatson

Head of AIS

Suspendisse imperdiet sapien arcu, id feugiat elit gravida vitae. Duis ac tempus mi. Nam urna sapien, porta vitae aliquet vitae, vehicula sed odio. Aenean porta mi sit amet nulla porttitor pharetra. Vivamus a vulputate quam, eget scelerisque leo.

Eduard MOnroe

Boss Security, CEO

Suspendisse imperdiet sapien arcu, id feugiat elit gravida vitae. Duis ac tempus mi. Nam urna sapien, porta vitae aliquet vitae, vehicula sed odio. Aenean porta mi sit amet nulla porttitor pharetra. Vivamus a vulputate quam, eget scelerisque leo.

Emma Whatson

TSAA Management

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Athena Elements

Template Components

To design is much more than simply to assemble, to order, or even to edit: it is to add value and meaning, to illuminate, to simplify.